The “Chair SISTEM for innovation and support to the efficient and sustainable management of urban mobility” is created on June 11th 2015, following the signing of a collaboration agreement between the University of Valencia and the company SISTEM. A cooperation agreement signed by the rector Esteban Morcillo and the CEO of the company, Cándido Comino.

The “Chair SISTEM for innovation and support to the efficient and sustainable management of urban mobility” has as a starting point two phenomena: the traffic and road accidents.

Regarding the traffic we have to consider that the displacements is one of the activities that pose many other ones which daily carry such as going to work, displacement own work and on leisure. That is why the concept of mobility is especially important in our lives, and that the characteristics of the same, so this is optimal, such as fluency and sanitation, are items that require attention.

With regard to road accidents, we must consider that it is one of the leading causes of death to which contemporary societies are facing. Although this type of accident is significantly reduced in our country in the last decade, rates are still unacceptable, especially if we consider that we must and can launch more and better measures and preventive countermeasures.

Another aspect that is intended to address the Chair are urban areas, a vial special role scenario where two circumstances of particular relevance: most of our displacements occurring in this area and despite the aforementioned general trend of reduction of accidents, these have increased in cities in both the rate and severity.

And the last aspect included the Chair in its research activity and dissemination is the use of new technologies and their relationship with the human factor in the context of road safety and mobility. This is a growing area of interest in relation to the users, both as regards the management of these technologies and end-users (drivers, passengers and pedestrians).


The Chair has the thematic object road safety, traffic and mobility in urban areas, taking into account new technologies in their relationship with users of public roads.

Research, reflect and divulge

The “Chair SISTEM for innovation and support to the efficient and sustainable management of urban mobility”, acting under the Corporate Social Responsibility, it seeks to value and to help the society to gain greater sensitivity and awareness of the issues that will act.

The Chair has the thematic object road safety, traffic and mobility, especially in urban areas and giving preference to new technologies in their relationship with users (both administrators and users of the roads) encouraging efficient and sustainable management of existing resources.

To achieve this, the Chair will address the phenomena described above promoting increased knowledge, development and the permanent dissemination, for which all the strategies and tools available to them will be used in its broadest range ranging from the development research activities, development, for innovation, training and cultural, etc.

Accordingly, the present Chair is not an end in itself but a means of promotion and enhancement and creation stages a commitment SISTEM and the University of Valencia (through the Institute for Research in Traffic and Road Safety -INTRAS- and the Institute for Research in Robotics and Information and Communications Technology -IRTIC-) that contributes to the improvement of society to which they belong.