Traffic, urban mobility and road safety

New technologies and the users of public roads

VIII Congreso Nacional de Seguridad Vial

El Director del INTRAS y de la Cátedra Sistem, Dr. Francisco Alonso, ha asistido al VIII Congreso Nacional de Seguridad Vial, organizado por la Asociación Española de la Carretera y

The Chair founders

About the SISTEM Chair

The Chair SISTEM for innovation and support to the efficient and sustainable management of urban mobility was created jointly by the University of Valencia and the company Sistemas y Montajes Industriales, S.A. (SISTEM) in June 2015.

The Chair has the thematic object road safety, traffic and mobility in urban areas, taking into account new technologies in their relationship with users of public roads.

Research and knowledge areas:

  • Traffic
  • Road accidents
  • Urban mobility
  • New technologies